Swordfish, scientifically known as Xiphias gladius and also referred to as broadbills in certain regions, are a large and swift…
Bears, known for their impressive abilities, possess intelligence that is now being recognized. A black bear's encounter with a wildlife…
The impact of climate change on plant species, particularly those found in California's coastline and coastal mountains, is becoming increasingly…
How much fresh water does our planet have left? This crucial resource is in limited supply, with only 1% of…
In a significant development, the National Snow Leopard Survey 2022-2023, supported by the Bhutan For Life project and WWF-Bhutan, has…
One out of every three people globally lacks access to clean water, highlighting the urgent need for innovative solutions in…
In the tranquility of a warm summer night, one finds themselves captivated by the enchanting harmony of nature. Beneath a…
Step aside martinis, margaritas are taking the spotlight in bars. Tequila and mezcal, agave-based liquors, have emerged as the fastest-growing…
A recent analysis of 30 years of Environment Agency monitoring data has revealed a dramatic improvement in the diversity of…
The 6th mass extinction may be approaching, and it's worse than we ever imagined. For the first time in Earth's…