In the picturesque countryside of Ireland lies Cloughjordan Ecovillage, a pioneering community established to champion sustainable living. However, as with…
In an era where truth was increasingly muddled, Donald Trump's first administration took a stance that many would describe as…
The Solar power technology that can also produce fresh water In the race to combat climate change, innovative solutions are…
The growing issue of plastic waste pollution is having a severe impact on our environment, leading to annual generation of…
A shocking new report from researchers in the May 19 Science journal reveals that more than half of the world’s…
Climate is an important factor in understanding how our planet is changing. To gain insight into the future of Earth's…
Fantasy creatures have been a part of our stories for a long time. Classics like The Jungle Book and Harry…
March 22nd is World Water Day - A day dedicated to raising awareness about the struggles millions of people face…
The Ukraine war and its aftermath may lead to a significant shift towards greener energy sources. Even before the war,…
Towering clouds of smoke produced by raging wildfires are causing a detrimental effect on Earth's ozone layer due to the…